
Online Collaboration - Section VII

Group projects and student collaboration are in integral part of online learning.  Students will broken up in to different groups for each project that we have in class.  Depending on the type of project, the teacher will divide the students into groups that will start with pairs, and then groups that may have up to four members per group.

When working in a group, it is important that all members contribute to make the best possible outcome for the project.  When we do group projects, students will be given a rubric that details what is expected for the final product.  It is also important for the students to know that they will be evaluated by their peers, as well as graded by the teacher on the project.

Groups work best when different members assume various roles.  This will help to make sure that all aspects of the final product meet the requirements of the assignment.  Working together as a group is a great life skill that students can take with them in to the real world, as many times in the work place, people are required to work in groups. 

Here are the "job titles" that will be assigned in the groups.  If the group members cannot divide the roles in a diplomatic manner, the teacher will intervene and give each person a job to complete.

  • Manager – Organizing the final product, making sure it meets standards set by teacher
  • Editor – Keeps track of group meetings, who does what during the project
  • Reviewer – Double-checks data, bibliographic sources, graphics
  • Webmaster – Technical aspects of the project are dealt with and met

Daily Teaching Tools

Here is a great article to help you "survive" virtual group work.

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