
Learning Integration - Section VI

The wonderful thing about 8th Grade Social Studies is that we actually cover three different topics in one year.  We will spend a quarter getting familiar with general Economic concepts, and have a chance to look at personal finances along the way.  We will then shift in to what it means to be a citizen in the United States by learning about Civics and Government for the last part of the first semester.  Then, in our last semester of the year, we look at modern US History, from World War II to the tragic day of September 11, 2001.

When we cover so much varied and interesting material, the students will be able to bring along what they already know and see how it changes with what they will learn in class.  We will also look at different learning styles and how it helps us be better students and better citizens.  In our online class, students will get a chance to use different parts of their personality and their learning strengths to an advantage when creating the different assignments and projects that we have throughout the year.  Students will also learn to get "uncomfortable" by having to work those parts that aren't that strong, to help make them a more well-rounded person.

Students will also have the chance to learn important study and life skills.  Being in an online course is quite different than being in a regular classroom.  As this online class is "asynchronous," which means no planned meeting times for class, students will really need to strengthen their self-motivation and work on their organization.  These are crucial to succeed in an online setting.  Students will also learn the important skill of time-management and making sure that they plan enough time to complete assignments.

The wonderful thing about online learning is that lessons are done differently, and it can be more student-led learning.  We won't have the typical "worksheets on readings" assignments in this class.  Grades will be determined on several factors to include: discussion board participation, online quizzes, and projects which will be done either individually or in groups.

This will be a fascinating year with many opportunities to grow and challenge oneself.  I am looking forward to being your guide through this coming year and helping you earn skills that will be with you for life.

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